Happy Kids

Happy Kids
Winter fun with the littles

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In the beginning...

I ask what it is that moves you. I think. So many balloons of thought burst in my mind. The touch of my child as they gently stroke my face, the burst of the first poppy in late spring, the sound of music filling every cell in my body, the sight and smell of a scrumptious meal, the full moon illuminating the night sky, kind words from a lover…the list goes on.
I think back to my youth, dancing in the sunshine, singing with abandon and receiving life as it soared to me on the wings of openness. I lived in a wealth of time, uncommitted and open to possibilities. And life was good, in fact it was great. Un-prescribed days to fill with my hearts delights; music, travel, connection and a spirit of exploration. The curves of my mouth turn up just thinking about it. It is in that reflection that I set a course for a new journey. I desire to open my children to that same sense of adventure and investment in happiness. After all this is our one life to live and I want them to live it to their fullest. And maybe I, in their reflection can find my way back to less constrained days and that light of happiness that used to guide my days.

1 comment:

  1. I say, "Ramble on, Mama!" I believe that writing is truly a cathartic process for the heart and mind. I know that your reflections will have a profound impact on your family as well as the many readers who venture this way. Blessings for the journey! Love you!
